‎ Privacy Policy

What is a privacy policy?
A privacy policy is a statement or legal document (in privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a user or guild's data. Listed below is the information that will be logged while using the bot and what is done with that information. Providing this privacy policy lets our users and members know exactly why some data is collected to better inform them and make them feel safe to use Rimuru in their server.

What information is collected?

What do we do with the collected info?

Info such as tracks and playlists are saved to make it easier for you to resume your music sessions for a flawless experience. Other data will never be exposed and will be deleted from database as soon as the bot leaves to specific server.

Who has access to this info?

The data that is stored is kept in a secure database and can only be accessed by the Developer of Tempest (tha_colonel). No one else will ever be shown the data for any reason. You can be assured that your info is safe and will remain as such.

Questions or concerns?

Join the support server and open a ticket.